islenska 06.07.06 ::210'08; 1 for all, all for 210::
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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cool. I didn't expect myself to remember the ID and PW of the class blog after 2 whole months without typing it at all.

I will never say this blog is dead as there are people who still remembered to come here.

Never ending love.

Squeaks` @* 9:02 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009

Now it's a brand new year with brand new classes. All of us are separated.
Till now, I wonder if anyone of you still remembered 210'08, remembered being part of it.
Till now, I wonder if anyone of you still remembered the times we shared together, the happiness we had, the sadness, the anger.
Till now, I wonder if anyone of you still remembered the teachers would taught us with their never ending efforts.

We may now we separated by just a couple of walls, but no matter how far apart we are, we will not lose the bond we made over our first two years in Nan Hua High.

Nevertheless, all the best and good luck for your future.

This blog will never be dead. As long as anyone still remember being part of 210'08.

Squeaks` @* 10:02 PM

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

HEY all 210 peeeps

im here to give all of u the address to MR.LING's wedding
u can go his blog too laah!
anyone want to meet up and go
tell me kaayys

8 dec 2008
@Life Bible-Presbyterian Church
9A gilstead road s309063

Squeaks` @* 4:13 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008


Squeaks` @* 7:31 PM

OH YA. BBQ WILL BE ON THE FIRST DAY. SO SADLY, there won't be another bbq and perhaps we'll just go to downtown east to finish our dinner the second day (:

Squeaks` @* 4:47 PM

YEA! I know most of you are looking forward to this (i suppose -.-), thus, I've decided to organize it once more. I know, I suck at this, but no choice, no one sacrifices=no chalet.

ONCE AGAIN, I'm REALLY SUPER SORRY for the choosing of the same chalet, but there is really not choice as Aloha Loyang, a bigger chalet, costs 2X more and is currently FULL till January. Coasta Sands Pasir Ris again. SORRY.

I sincerely wish that ALL OF THE PEOPLE in the class would attend, regardless of whether you are busy that day. AND because of that, it has became a 3D 2N EVENT. Some people may not be able to attend the first day and they can choose to come at the second day and stay overnight till the third day. Also, if you can only come on the first day and stay over till the second day, that's fine with me too. You can also choose to just come and NOT stay overnight. But we REALLY encourage you to stay overnight as it's the last time we are together already.


29th October - 31st October (Thursday - Saturday morning)
Meet at White Sands shopping mall (beside Pasir Ris MRT) at about 1pm.
We WILL take a bus there together while my father go to check in
WE MAY be going to wild wild wet on the second day so please prepare your swimming costume. However, if you dun wan to do there, there are still a lot more other places in downtown you to visit which is DRY.
On the last day, perhaps some people would choose to go escape themed park with me (i know it's darn expensive) but it's HALLOWEEN and they have a special event called the Fortune Telling thingy. Sadly, I have only 1 FREE entry into Escape so perhaps you all have to purchase one.


Btw, using class fund to pay, so even if you're not going, you still have to pay (:

Squeaks` @* 4:33 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008



Living organisms and their environment
-Ecology is a study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment
>Biotic [living]
>Physical (Abiotic) [non-living]

Physical Environment
-The physical environment depends on the place where an organism lives, that is, its Habitat
-These physical conditions determine the types of organisms that will live there. Soe organisms have special features that help them live in their habitat
-These organisms are adapted to their environment

Factors of Physical Environment
-Mineral Salts and Salinity

-Green plants need light to make food through photosynthesis
-Light intensify determines the types o plants and thus, the types of animals that are found in a habitat
-Most animals require light to see so that they can move around, find food and avoid danger

-Temperature affects the activities of all living organisms
-To survive under more extreme temperatures, certain organisms have special adaptive features of behaviour
-During winter, many birds fly to warmer climates to avoid the cold
For example. The polar bear has a thick coat of fur, which keeps it warm in the polar region

ALL organisms need water to survive
-The amount of water in any place is determined by the amount of rainfall it receives throughout the year
Some organisms are able to survive in conditions where there is a limited supply of water such as the desert
Example 1. The spiny leaves of the cactus reduce the transpiration rates - and thus, water loss. The thick green fleshy stem that helps to store water can also carry out photosynthesis
Example 2. Camels can survive for a week or longer without any water

-Plants need carbon dioxide to perform photosynthesis
-Land organisms take in Oxygen from the air, while more aquatic organisms take in oxygen dissolved in water
-Calcium is needed by plants protein pumps (in cell membrane) to pump in ions during active Transport

Mineral Salts and Salinity
-Mineral Salts are important in the manufacture of many important substances such as proteins, vitamins, and chlorophyll.
-animals obtain mineral salts from the food they eat.
-Plants absorb mineral salts from the soil solution
-Some aquatic organisms are adapted for life in very salty water such as the sea while others are adapted to live in streams and freshwater ponds

pH (Acidity/Alkalinity)
-The pH value of soil solution or water in freshwater ponds and sea water determines the type of organisms that can live in such environments
-Fresh water organisms live in fresh water (neutral pH of about 7)
-Marine organisms live in the sea (slightly alkaline with a pH of about 8)
-The pH value of water also changes during different times of the day. In strong sunlight, aquatic plants use Carbon Dioxide to perform photosynthesis. This makes the water more alkaline. Generally, most plants grow well in neutral or slightly alkaline soils.
-However, some plants grow better in acidic soils
E.G Pitcher plant

Biotic Environment
-The biotic environment refers to all the living organisms in a habitat
-Organisms interact with each other in different ways:
>Predater-prey relationship

Predator-prey relationship
-The predator is an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals. The prey is the animal that is killed and eaten by the predator

-This is a relationship between 2 organisms in which the parasite benefits at the expense of the host - doing some harm to it's host

-This is a relationship between 2 organisms by which both benefit from.
E.g. Ants protect aphids from their predators in return for the honeydew secreted by the aphids. Honeydew is a source of food for the ants.

-A group of organisms of the same kind is called population
E.g: mudskippers, squirrels, humans
-Different populations or organisms living together in the same habitat make up a community
Community = Populations + Habitat
-An ecosystem consists of communities of living organisms interacting with one another and with their physical environment
-In a mangrove ecosystem, you may find a community - made up of:
> a population of monitor lizards,
> a population of mangrove plants,
> and a population of mudskippers
-The Earth can be regarded as one big ecosystem called the Biosphere
-There are many ecosystems in the world:
>Tropical Rainforests

Ecosystem - Producers, Consumers, Decomposers

Producers are green plants that manufacture food substances from simple nutrients like carbon dioxide and water. Green plants convert energy from sunlight into chemical energy and store it as complex nutrients like carbohydrates.

Consumers are animals that obtain energy and nutrients from the other organisms they feed on.
-Animals feeding directly on plants are primary consumers
-Animals feeding on primary consumers are secondary consumers
-Animals feeding on secondary consumer are tertiary consumers

Decomposers such as Fungi and Bacteria break down the complex nutrients in excreta and dead bodies of organisms to set free:
-Carbon dioxide which escapes into the atmosphere
-Soluble mineral salts which dissolve in the soil water

What is a food chain?
-It is a series of organisms through which energy and food are transferred from one organism to another.

What is a food web?
-In a community, food chains are inter-linked to form a food web.
-There are complex food relationships that occur in natural ecosystems

Pyramid of Energy
-The pyramid of energy is used in expressing the energy present in each level of the food chain
-The total energy level decreases progressively along the food chain. This is because a lot of energy is lost to the environment as food is transferred from one trophic level to the next.
Energy is lost as
- heat during respiration
-excretory matter and undigested food from consumers
>the total energy decreases progressively along a food chain
>90% of energy is lost as food is transferred along a food chain
(P.S. I can't draw out a pyramid of energy, go check the net)

Nutrient Cycles
-Nutrients and energy are continuously used and transferred in an ecosystem. In a stable and balanced ecosystem, no nutrients are lost.
-This is due to nutrients being continually taken up from the physical environment and being used by living organisms. After which, they are then released into the physical environment to be reused by other living organisms.

NOTE: While nutrients can be continually recycled through the ecosystem, the energy that flows through cannot be recycled.

The carbon Cycle
-Carbon is an important element in living things. It is part of the proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the tissues of living things.
-The processes by which carbon dioxide is removed and returned to the atmosphere make up the Carbon Cycle.
-The carbon cycle helps to keep the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air relatively constant (at about 0.03%)

Removal of CO2 from the atmosphere
-during photosynthesis, green plants take in CO2 to make glucose.
-Preserved in fossil fuel E.g coal, oil

Inclusion of CO2 into the atmosphere
-During respiration, food like glucose is broken down and CO2 released
-When decomposers break down dead organisms, CO2 is released
-The burning of fossil fuel releases CO2

Carbon Cycle ensures that:
-A constant supply of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis
-Carbon Dioxide is recycled in the ecosystem and is not lost
-Carbon compounds rich in energy can be supplied to other organisms

The NITROGEN cycle
-Nitrogen is also an essential element in living things. It is needed to make proteins that are used for the growth of tissue.
-The processes by which Nitrogen is removed from the soil and returned to it in the form of nitrates make up the Nitrogen Cycle

Removal of Nitrogen from Soil
-Plants absorb Nitrogen compounds through their roots and use them to make proteins; animals get proteins by feeding on plants and other animals
-Denitrifying bacteria in the soil change nitrates into nitrogen gas
-Lost by leaching -nitrates that are dissolved in the rain water and are washed away

Inclusion of Nitrogen into Soil
-Proteins in dead organisms are broken down into ammonium compounds by decomposition, and released to the soil
-Ammonium compounds are converted to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria
-In nitrogen fixation, atmospheric Nitrogen is converted to nitrates by bacteria in root nodules and by lightning.
-Lightning causes nitrogen and oxygen to react to form nitrogen oxides, which then dissolve in rain water and are changed to nitrates in the soil

Nitrogen Cycle ensures that:
-Nitrogen is recycled in the ecosystem and is not lost
-A continuous supply of nitrates for green plants to convert to protein. From green plants, proteins are passed down in the food chain
-The nitrogen level in the atmosphere is kept constant

Squeaks` @* 4:31 PM


210 '08
Yup, we've won many class competitions
So you may ask, are we satisfied?
Our reply: NO

Class Committee

Chairman: Jian Sheng
Vice-Chairman: Bryan
Secretary: Joon Hui
Treasurer: Leon
IT Rep: Joe Jee.Khiat Tong
Sports Rep: Nicholas.Min Jin
Cleanliness Rep: Han Guang
Care Rep: Sylvia.Jin Sui
English Rep: Russell.Hao Wei
Chinese Rep: Daphne
Physics/ Bio Rep: Jie Yi
Art Rep: Apple
Chemistry Rep: Ya Xue
History Rep: Nichol.Evelyn
Geography Rep: Min Jin
CEP Rep: Garrick
Maths Rep: Wallic.Geraldine.Dorothy.Garrick
Literature Rep: Pei Qin
Music Rep: Shawn

The class is not perfect without u

Kai Jia
Jie Yi
Cheng Yee
Joon Hui
Pei Qin
Jin Sui
Ya Xue
Han Guang
Min Jin
Feng Yu
Hao Wei
Joe Jee
Jian Sheng
Shang Kuok
Wei Xiang
Khiat Tong
Jia Jun


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